
Awn 0.4.0

* Dock is a single GtkWindow
* Non-composited support
* Better autohide function
* Better positioning for multi-display set-ups
* GtkTheme colour support
* >50% coverage for libawn docs

Milestone information

Michal Hruby
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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2 Julien Lavergne, 10 Mark Lee, 64 Michal Hruby, 7 Neil J. Patel, 4 haytjes, 1 meek, 38 moonbeam
1 Unknown, 1 Good progress, 21 Implemented
2 Invalid, 4 Won't Fix, 135 Fix Released

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download icon avant-window-navigator-0.4.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Awn 0.4.0 Final version 86,923
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 86,923

Release notes 

For Users:

* Awn can be finally positioned on any edge of the screen.
* You can now pick among these styles: Flat, Edgy, 3D, Curved, Floaty.
* Expanded mode (Awn will cover whole screen width).
* Autohide was completely revamped and Awn now supports Intellihide and Window Dodge modes.
* Added possibility to change Awn's alignment - you don't have to have it centered.
* Awn tries to blend in with your theme colors by default.
* Added four beautiful themes.
* Most of the icons can be changed by simply dragging an icon file onto them.
* Basic support for environments without compositing (desktop-effects).
* Added simple Preferences applet (drag it to screen edges / different monitors to quickly change Awn settings).
* Taskmanager applet now supports grouping of windows.

For Applet Developers:

* There were big changes in the API, please check out the libawn docs.

For Plugin Developers:

* Awn deprecated its old DBus interface ( and uses now new DBus interface (org.freedesktop.DockManager). This new interface should be soon supported by other dock applications and therefore you no longer need to worry that you're writing your plugin for a specific dock.

Known Issues:

* Location of user settings were changed, therefore you'll need to set-up all your preferences again if you're upgrading.
* Icons sometimes disappear after suspend (moving your mouse over them will make them reappear).
* Themes which were made for previous Awn versions are not compatible.


This release does not have a changelog.

23 blueprints and 141 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add auto-start option to prefs dialog Add auto-start option to prefs dialog 5 Essential haytjes  11 Implemented
AwnApplet and friends rework for 0.4 AwnApplet and friends rework for 0.4 5 Essential Neil J. Patel  11 Implemented
AwnDialog rework for 0.4 AwnDialog rework for 0.4 5 Essential Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
Awn should be able to be positioned on any edge of the screen Awn should be able to be positioned on any edge of the screen 4 High Neil J. Patel  11 Implemented
Icon Emblems and Overlays Icon Emblems and Overlays 4 High moonbeam  11 Implemented
Taskmanager/Launcher Replacement Taskmanager/Launcher Replacement 4 High moonbeam  11 Implemented
AwnEffects rework for 0.4 AwnEffects rework for 0.4 3 Medium Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
tasks of the same process should be grouped tasks of the same process should be grouped 3 Medium moonbeam  11 Implemented
Refactor Custom Icons UI Refactor Custom Icons UI 3 Medium   0 Unknown
awn unhides when hidden if a window gets updated. awn unhides when hidden if a window gets updated. 3 Medium moonbeam  11 Implemented
Add a launcher of a running application Add a launcher of a running application 2 Low moonbeam  11 Implemented
Allow AWN to be used only as a launcher Allow AWN to be used only as a launcher 2 Low haytjes  11 Implemented
Awn Curves Awn Curves 2 Low meek  11 Implemented
Awn with no compositing Awn with no compositing 2 Low Neil J. Patel  11 Implemented
Fade out the AWN bar instead of moving it offscreen Fade out the AWN bar instead of moving it offscreen 2 Low Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
Have AWN follow the same colour scheme as Gnome Have AWN follow the same colour scheme as Gnome 2 Low Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
Hover your mouse cursor to unhide awn Hover your mouse cursor to unhide awn 2 Low Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
Option for opening no Task on the Launcher Option for opening no Task on the Launcher 2 Low haytjes  11 Implemented
Some popups move when auto hide kicks in Some popups move when auto hide kicks in 2 Low Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
Sort applets in categories Sort applets in categories 2 Low Julien Lavergne  11 Implemented
bar will Expand bar will Expand 2 Low Michal Hruby  11 Implemented
AwnThemedIcon API improvements AwnThemedIcon API improvements 2 Low moonbeam  7 Good progress
Fading 'keep behind' Fading 'keep behind' 0 Not   11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
477158 #477158 'clicked' and 'middle-clicked' signals prevent normal activation behaviour in gtk.Menu.popup() 4 Medium   3 Invalid
480498 #480498 Avant displaying svg icon incorrectly 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
385421 #385421 [Patch] Force custom icon for application 4 Medium moonbeam  4 Won't Fix
504033 #504033 awn 0.39: quit dialog cannot be selected under style=none 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
159883 #159883 Window Title alerts show up on all viewports 1 Undecided moonbeam  4 Won't Fix
552512 #552512 configuration lost 1 Undecided   4 Won't Fix
236654 #236654 Segmentation fault with AwnConfigClient 2 Critical Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
130126 #130126 Auto-hide function doesn't work well, avant freezes or does not reappear 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
131217 #131217 AWN Icons Dissapear Under Auto-Resize 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
133292 #133292 (libawn) dialog size issues + visibility 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
147730 #147730 Hidding bar is totally broken on multi screen with one screen under the other 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
161135 #161135 icons placed strangely when adding second monitor 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
173048 #173048 Options to move AWN to sides or top of screen. 3 High Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
180145 #180145 Cannot add launchers with spaces in their name to AWN (through dragging them) 3 High   10 Fix Released
260927 #260927 Removing a launcher while it's being loaded makes awn crash 3 High moonbeam  10 Fix Released
390889 #390889 color drag-and-drop problem in inkscape with docks with composition 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
459706 #459706 awn requires gnome-panel-launcher icon which is unavailable on DEs other than GNOME 3 High Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
462202 #462202 group windows, groups eclipse and firefox in the firefox icon 3 High moonbeam  10 Fix Released
467620 #467620 Intellihide makes taskbar icon change to wrong icon 3 High moonbeam  10 Fix Released
478790 #478790 [intel] delay when opening new windows/tasks causes lag in animation on awn 0.4 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
480851 #480851 Unable to replace launcher icons 3 High moonbeam  10 Fix Released
501455 #501455 Icons disappear when too many windows are opened 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
550541 #550541 awn-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in task_item_left_click() 3 High moonbeam  10 Fix Released
129606 #129606 Xfce4 support 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
129753 #129753 multiple window icons showing up on the bar - process matching 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
130235 #130235 Autohide Not At All -- stays up 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
131218 #131218 AWN Sometimes Appears Underneath Windows 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
133488 #133488 Awn dialog follows the bar while it autohides 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
139361 #139361 "keep below maximised window" behaviour changed? 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
144206 #144206 awn does not appear after logout 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
147418 #147418 bar resize rate is constant 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
148243 #148243 Bar background not repositionning when screen size changes (multi screen bug) 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
153856 #153856 Window Matching - Terminal Server Client vs. (Gnome-)Terminal 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
160837 #160837 icons will display above the bar 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
161024 #161024 no name icon appears on load 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
161924 #161924 Icons slide in is very slow and not so smooth 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
174465 #174465 Black Bar Appears at top of screen 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
178260 #178260 Allow an option for one instance of AWN only 4 Medium Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
178449 #178449 hidden bar won't reappear with maximized windows 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
178862 #178862 icons seams white while loading 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
180681 #180681 Window matching by WM_ICON_NAME not by WM_CLASS 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
184358 #184358 maximize on multidisplay using twinview does not work as expected 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
211703 #211703 Multiple instances of awn can lead to errant applet processes. 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
225507 #225507 OpenOffice does not use customised icon when opening saved documents 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
237805 #237805 Incorrect Icon Position on Screen Rotation 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
248769 #248769 Incorrect screen positioning when using multiple displays (TwinView) 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
250331 #250331 allow positioning awn to the corners of the screen 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
258675 #258675 Allow only one AWN instance 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
266950 #266950 Applet crashes on Awn startup if icon not immediately set 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
312958 #312958 'Dectivate' button in awn-manager Applets segfaults 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
313941 #313941 bzr awn agnostic will not start - dies with "invalid pointer" 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
313942 #313942 bzr awn agnostic's awn-manager dies with FNF error when deactivating applet 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
338156 #338156 vertical blank lines between applets on loading 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
343260 #343260 Cannot drag/drop launchers, then delete the original launcher file 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
343591 #343591 awn-applet-activation crashed with SIGSEGV in awn_title_show() 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
359986 #359986 KWin4.2: dock hint not honored when autohide enabled 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
360438 #360438 awn crashed with SIGSEGV in _gnome_vfs_istr_has_prefix() 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
390066 #390066 Switching workspace without switching window results in awn not updating 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
413214 #413214 Dock doesn't disappear when icons are not touched 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
434756 #434756 crash when update launcher in awn-manager 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
441001 #441001 Dialogs disappear too quickly 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
460561 #460561 Unable to add launchers to AWN 0.4 4 Medium Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
465763 #465763 All windows of the same app gets the main app icon when grouping is disabled. 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
478930 #478930 AWN stops coming up after full screen video playback 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
484975 #484975 Odd behavior adding launcher for specific application 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
490806 #490806 the bar goes crazy when using "show desktop" gesture effect of compiz 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
491229 #491229 AWN won't behave as panel when started automatically 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
496271 #496271 No launcher icon after clicking "Add to Launcher List" 4 Medium moonbeam  10 Fix Released
499647 #499647 separator turned off, but still visible 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
517765 #517765 Desktop should be accessible by mouse at the bottom of 'floaty' style 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
548948 #548948 AWN bar can be moved with Alt+F7 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
558456 #558456 Squish leaves artifacts if icons have an outline 4 Medium Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
132319 #132319 Launcher icons and process icons differ 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
139488 #139488 Magic constants in window width calculation 5 Low Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
158919 #158919 Adding/removing/moving applets messes up separators until restart 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
161025 #161025 icon change doesn't change icon 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
161052 #161052 window preview over wrong icon on dock 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
161186 #161186 awn always under maximized window 5 Low   10 Fix Released
164469 #164469 too many wakeups 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
174881 #174881 incorrect window type for tooltip 5 Low Neil J. Patel  10 Fix Released
175083 #175083 launcher for pan newsreader operates gnome-panel instead 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
203036 #203036 Add startup notification option in launcher editor 5 Low Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
204499 #204499 Awn is positioned at top left of the screen on startup 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
212563 #212563 awn misplacement on window manager switching from metacity to compiz 5 Low   10 Fix Released
223257 #223257 Windows remain unselected when changing Desktop 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
237313 #237313 choosing launcher icon in awn-manager takes to long 5 Low Mark Lee  10 Fix Released
241409 #241409 The icon of the active program isn't centered in his rounded rect 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
242193 #242193 Add effect to inactive launchers on drag&drop 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
242605 #242605 awn does not appear on drag and drop with autohide 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
246753 #246753 You shouldn't be able to add the same theme twice 5 Low   10 Fix Released
253417 #253417 awn does not update itself when glass colors change in gconf 5 Low haytjes  10 Fix Released
257689 #257689 Alt F4 kills AWN when it has focus 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
260921 #260921 delay bringing to front 5 Low   10 Fix Released
264798 #264798 Auto hide is too slow 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
264869 #264869 Awn Curves: Icons lose alignment after viewport change 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
270769 #270769 "Maximized windows don't cover the bar" fails on multiple monitors 5 Low   10 Fix Released
288706 #288706 Minimizing Rhythmbox to tray freezes the dock 5 Low   10 Fix Released
289788 #289788 when using an applet awn should not autohide 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
334454 #334454 awn-manager crashed with OSError in delete_autostarter() 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
341452 #341452 Change the resolution doesn't update the AWN position 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
351623 #351623 Can't go to menu when there is a window under the panel 5 Low   10 Fix Released
370059 #370059 Option to turn off auto-resize feature of bar 5 Low   10 Fix Released
428624 #428624 Wrong formatting code prevents applet conf window's title to display in bold 5 Low   10 Fix Released
462099 #462099 Taskmanager: Close should be at bottom of menu 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
490373 #490373 Panel does not touch screen edges 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
505620 #505620 Awn does not use taskname of mono-based applications. 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
509175 #509175 Launch animation not shown 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
509619 #509619 Applet dialogue disappears behind open window 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
524153 #524153 Tooltip corners look strange when using compositing mode in Metacity 5 Low   10 Fix Released
526476 #526476 Intellihide/Dodge: Dock remains hidden on GtkWindow close 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
537308 #537308 When opening Spreadsheet with Macro, wrong icon is used 5 Low moonbeam  10 Fix Released
557778 #557778 awn-settings crashed with TypeError in activate_applet() 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
134647 #134647 awn manager drag&drop applets 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
189115 #189115 Allow drag & drop of launchers in awn-manager 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
192673 #192673 Awn needs startup-notification support 6 Wishlist moonbeam  10 Fix Released
236542 #236542 Awn launch is ugly 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
243027 #243027 option for showing after completely loaded 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
243706 #243706 Refresh of the awn-manager icons 6 Wishlist Julien Lavergne  10 Fix Released
246356 #246356 Future request: Change the active icon background 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
264352 #264352 new feature: show the panel when a window modified 6 Wishlist moonbeam  10 Fix Released
267511 #267511 add a running task as a launcher 6 Wishlist moonbeam  10 Fix Released
278653 #278653 [patch] Effect preview in awn-manager 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
353697 #353697 Add "Run As...(user)" to launcher context menu 6 Wishlist moonbeam  10 Fix Released
410850 #410850 Bottom left/right corners not rounded in flat look 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
460559 #460559 Add a preferences applet to the dock 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
494459 #494459 intellihide strange behaviour 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
496349 #496349 [feature request] settable loop hover animation toggle 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
500837 #500837 DBus should export a function to list tasknames for debug purposes 6 Wishlist Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
128784 #128784 Closing and Opening AWn confuses Launchers and tasks 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
130277 #130277 Change Icon on custom launchers 1 Undecided moonbeam  10 Fix Released
136213 #136213 Arrow does not disapper under home folder icon even when nautilus is closed 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
153673 #153673 nautilus window matching for 1 letter titles 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
160094 #160094 AWN + Compiz window rules (skip taskbar) 1 Undecided moonbeam  10 Fix Released
172378 #172378 Icon effects stop working after some time 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
189836 #189836 programs don't keep launcher or icon 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
221120 #221120 AWN randomly lose customized icons 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
251883 #251883 awn doesn't accept wine launchers with drag/drop 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
457070 #457070 awn crashes on startup 64bit ubuntu 9.10 latest beta 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
493252 #493252 AWN Main Menu dissapears...panel expanded, position: left of screen 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
499556 #499556 Edgy style on RTL languages 1 Undecided Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
503106 #503106 multiple instances of applications on different workspaces; workspace focus change through Compiz Expo feature "goes unnoticed" 1 Undecided moonbeam  10 Fix Released
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