Comment 13 for bug 170374

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

Maybe we should reopen this report? The current tools available in release versions:
- Envelope / Perspective Extension
- Envelope Deformation LPE
do not really allow the requested easy-to-use on-canvas perspective or envelope transformation.

Similar requests (not yet marked as duplicates):
a) duplicates (?): perspective, linear envelope
Bug #172034 “perspective pattern - bricks”:
Bug #172118 “Perspective , deforming (in reply, with extra example files)”:
Bug #235848 “"Select And Transform" Tool Additional Mode (Perspective)”:
Bug #287913 “Edit group as shape”:
Bug #289676 “**Request** Draggable Skew Corners”:
Bug #298324 “[feature request] trapezium transformation”:
Bug #298328 “[feature request] canvas transformations”:

b) related: curvilinear envelope / lattice
Bug #171206 “envelope transformation”:
Bug #171280 “deformation lattice ala blender”:
Bug #430745 “New Transform Tool w Lattice Deform”:

"New handles (or mode) to transform a group of objects or paths"
"specifications for lpe stacking and new lpe projects."

Wiki pages:
PerspectiveObject - Inkscape Wiki:
Perspective LPE - Inkscape Wiki:
Envelope Deformation - Inkscape Wiki:
Latice Deformation - Inkscape Wiki: