Comment 14 for bug 669109

Revision history for this message
David Dyball (david-dyball) wrote :

I can confirm that coming out of an OpenGL application with an NVidia NVS 285 card running the 173 drivers causes the refresh rate of compiz/unity to be completely rubbish. Switching on/off Sync-to-VBlank in compiz-OpenGL settings does nothing to resolve the issue. The only way to resolve is to logout/login again and get a new session.

Confirmed this occurs when exiting from the following applications:

- GLMatrix Screensaver (or any other GL screensaver)
- Minecraft (which uses java GL libraries)
- AssaultCube

NOTES: I'm running nvidia-173 drivers because there is a bug in the newer ones that prevents more than 4 windows being displayed.. see for more details.

Not sure if this is a Compiz bug or a Unity bug, but I know that I don't get the issue in Unity-2D or Ubuntu-classic sessions.