Comment 0 for bug 160592

Revision history for this message
Marc Luethi (netztier) wrote : UPnP plugin fails to load: Coherence is not installed or too old, aborting

WIth gutsy (live CD as well as on upgraded install from Feisty), rhythmbox does not load the UPnP sharing plugin.

python-louie is installed (Bug #132992), but running "rhythmbox -d" from commandline reveals this:

(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_plugins_engine_load] rb-plugins-engine.c:108: Loading plugin: /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/upnp_coherence/coherence.rb-plugin
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_plugins_engine_load] rb-plugins-engine.c:197: Could not find 'Icon' in /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/upnp_coherence/coherence.rb-plugin
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_plugins_engine_load_cb] rb-plugins-engine.c:271: Plugin UPnP sharing support loaded
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_python_module_init] rb-python-module.c:368: Init of python module
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_python_object_get_type] rb-python-plugin.c:254: Registering python plugin instance: CoherencePlugin+RBPythonPlugin
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_python_module_new_object] rb-python-module.c:343: Creating object of type CoherencePlugin+RBPythonPlugin
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [rb_python_object_init] rb-python-plugin.c:190: Creating python plugin instance
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [CoherencePlugin.get_coherence] /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/upnp_coherence/ Coherence not found
(19:05:15) [0x80fb408] [CoherencePlugin.activate] /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/upnp_coherence/ Coherence is not installed or too old, aborting

There actually are some .py scripts in /usr/lib/rhytmbox/plugins/upnp_coherence/, but something still goes wrong. A package named python-coherence as mentionned in #128205 (regarding package elisa) is not available in the repos. If the UPnP sharing plugin depends on this - why isn't it available and why does rhythmbox offer to use it?

