Comment 15 for bug 1804329

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Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote : Re: lubuntu 19.04 daily - pcmanfm-qt (dolphin..) moves window position on opening device, folders or adjust size of windows (when on 2nd display only with vertical placement)

2019-02-17 19:30 QA-Test Lubuntu 19.04 daily (live)

// the following is selected bits pasted from my QA-TEST comment
// note in prior cut/pastes I only pasted the bit relating to each specific bug, but as they all relate (none occur until I change orientation of displays, then all are annoying-bugs, but if I change back display.orientation they all disappear) this will be all (without exceptions removed, eg. screensaver is different issue)

dell [optiplex] 960 (c2q-q9400, 8gb, amd/ati cedar radeon hd 5000/6000/7350/8350)

/ plan is some simple stuff, then change setup to my used setup (vertical layout of my monitors)
// this is my most used system which has run Lubuntu 19.04 for all 2019; before then was mostly XFCE (a Ubuntu install back when 17.10 was testing with Xubuntu and Lubuntu added). I have been having fewer issues with display strangeness of my installed system than prior QA-tests using 'live' so this will be focus again today (as per recent hp8200 test)

pcmanfm-qt to play (expecting no issues before I re-arrange monitors, selecting random devices, folders, minimize, maximize
firefox (ublock origin, stream utube as window, f11, fullscreen on each monitor, maximize, minimize etc)
searching for an starting some music (dc7700 where I log this has poor speakers & it's annoying me), found some so `vlc` will be playing music from now on

// then adjust displays to my vertical placement & re-do what I just did...
// note: possibly typos on this system, I'm having issues with this model.m kbd browser & this dc7700 running ubu 14.04 (installed) that I normally don't have, so apologies for any strange things..

ZERO issues at this point on either screen, everything performs perfectly (as expected).
Closed pcmanfm-qt & firefox (vlc still running for background music)
Now change orientation of displays, pref->lxqtsett->monitor.settings_set.position
DVI-1 is setup directly BELOW DVI-0 (my real setup has slight horizontal diff, but that creates more issues I now ignore for qa-testing; vertical arrangement is simpler to replicate)
drag VLC so it's full onscreen (only left part was visible - ignoring this)..

pcmanfm-qt is perfect on top (dvi0) screen, selecting different folders or devices has no issue, selecting menus display as expected.. move it to dvd1 (bottom display) and warps/moves around screen partially obscured by panel & part on display0, part on display1 - &
if i maximize pcmanfm-qt (dvi1, was good on dvi0) it goes full width but is only using ~2cm of display & so it useless .. on minimize I get

This is my USED system, and yet don't suffer this. Yes my system is hugely modified (xubuntu & ubuntu are installed, lots of apps, lots of changes but mostly to xfce)...

opened qterminal (ctrl+alt+T) and maximized, fine on dvi0, but fullwidth & no only top panel (no black area visible on maximized (

i changed display orientation back to what it booted as (DVI0 on left, DVI1 just to right) and all maximize, minimize, menu showing & usable, etc issues were solved... it relates only to monitor.position and most people will have left-right I bet.