Comment 0 for bug 685562

Revision history for this message
Mackenzie Morgan (maco.m) wrote : £ and € are difficult at small sizes

I'm using Kubuntu Netbook, which defaults to size 7 & 8 fonts. At these sizes, the £ and € symbols become a bit difficult on the eyes. I'm attaching a screenshot comparing the Ubuntu font and Liberation Sans at sizes 8 and 12 so the difference can be seen.

Mainly, I think the bottom line of £ needs to extend further to the left like it does at size 12 (at size 8 it almost looks like a C with a grahical artifact making it slightly crooked) and that the €'s bars should be a bit closer together since at size 8 it turns into a muddle of horizontal lines with the top edge, two bars, and bottom edge all being equidistant.