Comment 0 for bug 632411

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote : Finalise <1.0 Ubuntu Font Family licence/distribution terms

In order for any .deb packages to be presented for potential uploading to the main Ubuntu archives ('universe'/'main') the licensing will need to be clarified/finalised to something DFSG-ish (Ubuntu has slightly different requirements to Debian but they are fairly similar).

For the phased beta/development stages, the Ubuntu Font Family has been distributed under both internal, and latterly non-NDA licensing terms via the PPAs. This bug report is a placeholder to track what needs doing on a _technical level_ once any high-level decision/choice/etc has been assessed/finalised at some point. Following finalisation of any licensing decision the font family will need further updates to adjust in various places:

  1. in the .ttfs (probably best to get DM to undertake this, although it could be done retrospectively as the TTF data is structured)
  2. in the .deb package's 'debian/copyright' file.
  3. relevant wiki pages, eg.
  5. any press/notices/blogs on the subject (DM, Mark, Fridge, UWN, DX Team blog, Canonical, ...)
  6. please click edit and extend this list!