Comment 0 for bug 897166

Revision history for this message
Pjotr12345 (computertip) wrote :

The greeter of LightDM in Xubuntu Oneiric, is almost completely translated. When you install the packages that are currently still in Proposed, anyway. But not the item "Password:".

This happens even in languages for which LightDM has been fully translated (100 %). In my case: Dutch. So the item "Password:" is somehow untranslatable now.

At the request of Sebastien Bacher, I've forked this bug from this previous bug report:

I should add that I'm using the LightDM packages from Proposed, which fix most of the translation issues, but not this final one.

According to Robert Ancell in the previous bug report, lightdm-gtk-greeter should pull it's translation of the item "Password:" from PAM:

But it doesn't do so: PAM has been fully translated into Dutch as well, but still no translation for the item "Password:" in lightdm-gtk-greeter.