Comment 5 for bug 1291555

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

On 2014-03-16 07:43 +0100, Arthur User wrote:
> what I don't understand is why inkscape is using XQuartz for this if
> it is messing with the output and forcing users to manually switch
> data formats - you can access the clipboard at system level by
> piping output to and from /usr/sbin/pboard and let the receiving apps
> decide how to interpret the format.

Patches are welcome of course ;-) (to upstream XQuartz to improve the data exchange between the X11 clipboard and the OS X pasteboard, or to Inkscape itself [*]), if you know how to solve or improve the (so far not further specified) issue without risking to break cross-platform support in Inkscape (AFAIU its clipboard implementation is not platform-specific, but based on the clipboard functions provided by the toolkit).

Keep in mind though that the project's long-term goal is to provide packages of OS X which are compiled with the OS X-native GTK+ backend - priority would better be put on investigating and addressing clipboard issues upstream in the Quartz backend of the GTK+ toolkit.

[*] related links:

1) Data exchange between X11-based Inkscape and OS X-native applications:
Report filed for Inkscape:
Upstream XQuartz ticket about copy/paste issue with syncing enabled:

2) Inkscape's system clipboard support implementation:
Inkscape source code for interacting with the "system" clipboard:

Originally committed in revision 5190:
for Bug #170185 (sf909735) “Support for copy/paste with system clipboard”

gtkmm documention (Gtk::Clipboard):

3) Upstream clipboard-related issues in GTK+/Quartz (affecting future packages of Inkscape):
Tracked in project Inkscape:
Upstream clipboard-related issues in GTK+/Quartz:

(non-exhaustive list)