
Comment 13 for bug 239854

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manny (estelar57) wrote :

hmm, i think zim also needs this feature.

in many cases a writer will need to bold, italic, underline and/or highlight, to differentiate from other texts and emphasize priority.

other editors like cherrytree, notecase, basket and even tomboy/gnotes allow you to combine different formats. People are also used to this in all the office editors: word, OOo writer, abiword, etc.

the biggest problem that i see, is that even trying to edit the source, wont allow these changes to reflect in zim

this format limit issue, may also lead to other bugs, like:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/zim/+bug/594239 (Applying strike format to links does not work)

so, unfortunately the only one limiting the user by omitting this, is zim

This would be a most welcome usability option that would allow many users to not be driven away from zim, because of something so basic these days, this great project has been overlooked or underrated.