Comment 126 for bug 1432194

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Ross Grady (0iq-ross) wrote :

I was able to sit down with a test machine this morning. Here is a matrix of what I found. My team uses gnome-session-flashback rather than Unity, so the problem we have been seeing was showing up there.

This is all on a machine with Timo's xserver-xorg-video-intel-lts-utopic_2.99.914-1~exp1ubuntu4.3.1~trusty1_amd64.deb installed from comment #100

Kernel | Unity | Metacity | Compiz
3.16.0-37 | OK | corruption | OK
3.16.0-37 | OK | corruption | OK

So at this point I'm consistently able to recreate the problem by closing the lid to put the machine into standby, and then reopening the lid, but only using gnome-sesssion-flashback with Metacity.

The problem manifests itself as basically *no* text rendering on screen, either in the unlock dialogue, or once past that, in any windows that had been open, in the menubar, etc.

This seems like it might be a separate issue, so if I need to open a separate ticket, please let me know.