Comment 4 for bug 585987

Revision history for this message
Raul Ferriz (raul.ferriz) wrote :

As a though, warehouses are only where wares and workers are stacked. Soldiers should be on military sites, or on headquarters to be effective (be able to make his job). Is like a fisher, you can have one thousand on your warehouse, that they will do nothing. Yo need to have a fisher hut in order to start fishing.

What I mean:
-I like that soldiers can be healed on headquarters (but only on headquarters, not warehouses!).
-I don't like enough that soldiers can be healed on training sites, a soldier go here to be trained, not to be healed.
-I dislike that soldiers can be healed on warehouses, I see a warehouse as a building plenty of wares, not like a building where a soldier can rest and be healed.

Personally, I would only allow healing on some new 'Healing buildings' (hospital, chaman hut, rest area...) with this specific task, so we get back healers to work here (with a high ratio of healing 5 point per 10 second to every soldier inside?). Military sites and Headquarters can also heal but both a very lower rate 1 point per 30 seconds or even less. Training Site I think that currently is working fine.