Comment 1 for bug 1202228

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Nasenbaer (nasenbaer) wrote :

I complete agree and was already up to write my own bug report - you beat me to it :-D.

My suggestion would be to improve the hover text to e.g. "Heroes - click button to switch to Beginners" - but well it seems to me all good and understandable texts would be quite long... ;) Any idea on a plain, good Text that makes the current and the state after click understandable?

Further I think it is a unlucky approach to close the window as soon as the button was clicked. I know this problem comes out of the graphic change of the clicked button, which lead to reinitialization of the window. But as I had the same problem with the port and the ship windows in the seafaring branch, I added a function to reinitialize the window after such a change - that could be used here as well :)