Comment 347 for bug 733349

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Christopher Kyle Horton (christhehorton) wrote :

I came here after seeing this bug resurface in a Google+ Community post.

I agree with #346 above: Unity just doesn't work that way, and is not supposed to work that way. I personally never used this requested functionality even on Windows; the minimize button is a much more obvious way to handle that. Advanced users bothered by this can just switch to another DE that they can then customize to their liking. Contrary to what some very vocal people above and elsewhere have said, not everyone wants this on their desktop.

The launcher icon is supposed to be for launching and spreading applications. Perhaps a better solution would be to click the icon of an already-running application to activate the spread, but include a couple overlaid dash-style buttons in the background to minimize all windows or the currently selected window. I'm not a designer, so I have no idea how good this actually would be in practice, but IMHO it would be a pretty good compromise and more usable to me than the suggested alternative here.

Just adding my 2 cents.