Comment 169 for bug 733349

Revision history for this message
Eugene Romanenko (eros2) wrote :

Fully agree with commenters above.

When I work with some applications I need to look into another windows, to see log changes in terminal window, online contacts in instant messenger, etc... Before I just click on needed window, watch changes, click again without mouse move and continue browsing or coding.

Now I must click, then move mouse to minimize button and click again, my mouse waste miles! If I have two terminals - things is much worse - I click to bring scaled windows, select window... oh oh clicks and moves, moves and clicks...

Also about hated indicators instead of tray icons - before I just move mouse to battery icon and watch tooltip with power state, no clicks. Now I move mouse to icon, click to view information, click again to hide information...

Wasting clicks, wasting time.

Why click if we may not click? Why move if we may not move? Why make interface so bad? Why?
I understand, interface must be differ from well known MS Windows, but interface also must be better, not worse!

Latest interface additions from Canonical (Unity, indicators) just make interface annoying.

I love Ubuntu, and want see it better and better, but things became worse and worse. :-(

Also GNOME Shell - yet another piece of madness... Not a Canonical flaw, just to mention.