Comment 168 for bug 733349

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W Karaki (wafaa-karaki) wrote :

"Unity adds ~1500 mouse clicks daily and it reduces productivity a lot."

I have to agree 100% with this! I usually have codeblocks, some documents, writer, firefox, and other programs open all at once. And while writing my programs I need to switch a lot between documents to have a quick look.

If Unity's design was supposed to guide users into an easier work flow, it didn't. It did change my behaviour, but let me tell you what the actual effect is:
Because I don't have the option of clicking to maximize-have my quick look-click in same location to minimize, instead having to aim at the small unclear minimize button at the top of the screen, I seem to have unconsciously changed my behaviour to avoid clicking the minimize button, and instead go for the window I was using. I assume this was the intention of the designers?
The result? TERRIBLE!
I now find myself clicking the needed document, having my look, and then looking for original application I was working on, which of course has 2-3 windows open (usually more) and maximized, so I click it, and of course up pops the WRONG window (not the one I last highlighted) but the one that falls next in Unity's weird ordering list (press Alt+` ). So then follows more clicking around as I double click to spread the windows (hey, at least it looks nice doing that, right?) looking for the correct window in the tiny little windows, and clicking that to get back where I wanted.

I usually like my computer. We're best friends. But I have to say, I've been getting more and more physically abusive towards it recently. Design changes meant to make work flow easier are a good thing, when they WORK!

Seriously, I got a lot of work to do! Unity's launcher at this point is just pathetic and just gets in my way every time.

/end rant.