Comment 5 for bug 1039730

Revision history for this message
Joseph Swick (profdecoy) wrote :

I think the user settings for this action are getting stored in two different places and it ends up fighting over which setting takes precidence (and resets the other). The default for 12.04 and prior (from what I know) was '<Alt>Button1' to initiate window move when enabled. On one of my machines I had changed it to '<Super>Button1' in 12.04, but on updating the machine to 12.10b1, it changed it back to <Alt>Button1 for me.

I've tried changing it in CCSM, GConf & DConf and it still goes back to <Alt>Button1 for me. I belive my issue is related to this, so I won't file a seperate bug report unless necessary.

I have not tried this mytself on a fresh install of Quantal yet.