Comment 4 for bug 1000429

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George (gwimmel) wrote :

For the last couple days, I've been trying to get audacious to work with the music lens, I have tried going into Settings > Details > Default Applications and setting the default player to Audacious, and i have also tried opening up Ubuntu Tweak and setting all the music file types to open with Audacious, neither things worked. I have tried uninstalling Rhythm Box and it suddenly starts working the way I'd expect it to, however once i log out and back in it no longer works due to the scope being gone. I've tried that exact same procedure with Clementine and the Clementine Scope and i got the same results yet again, it seems to me like music lens default application is set by the scope.

Anyways, I would be very happy to see this one fixed as it effects everyone that wants to use a media player other than Rhythmbox, Clementine, GMusicBrowser, or Guayadeque.

Thank you for your time.