Comment 0 for bug 752259

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seanlano (seanlano) wrote : Make typing shortcuts more like GNOME-Do

Not a bug specifically, but...

It would be really nice if, when you hit Super and start typing the name of an application you wish to open, Unity behaved more like GNOME-Do. What I mean is that in Unity's current form, you have to type the proper name of the application. Whereas in GNOME-Do, you can just hit a few characters from it and it will find it for you. For example, "Synaptic Package Manager". In Unity you have to start typing S Y N, but in GNOME-Do you could type S M or S P or S P M, etc and it knows what you mean. The letters don't have to be adjacent to each other in the name of the application for GNOME-Do, but they must be in Unity. This would be a nice little feature to have, and would make Unity that little bit more unifying.