Comment 0 for bug 869920

Revision history for this message
Roman Yepishev (rye) wrote :


1. Create new folder in home directory
2. Put some files there
3. u1sdtool --create-folder=path_to_folder
4. Check on the web ui that the files started to upload

Actual results:
No files are uploaded, a restart is required for SD to pick up files

Expected results:
Files are uploaded immediately

<facundobatista> we're filtering out the events on a freshly created UDF

The log contains:
2011-10-07 14:21:00,813 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.sync - DEBUG - -:-:- - ['-'::'-'] ''/home/rtg/UDFTesting/gnome-settings-daemon-dev_3.2.0-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb'' | FS_FILE_CLOSE_WRITE on path '/home/rtg/UDFTesting/gnome-settings-daemon-dev_3.2.0-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb' discarded because of volume not subscribed

Observed on Oneiric (2.0.0-0ubuntu1) and Windows client 2.0.1