Comment 1 for bug 1253728

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Dennis Shimer (dshimer) wrote :

I noticed this morning that one of my boxes wasn't syncing so I checked another and sure enough I have at least 2 that they client shows
File sync error
(auth_failed (AUTH_FAILED))
stays on the Getting information, please wait... page

Then on both of the boxes I closed that dialog (the main client window stuck in gathering information and auth error) and reopened the client. The second time it welcomed me and asked me to log in. I did so with an existing account. It displayed a gathering information overlay dialog but the Next button was there so I clicked it. I then had to go through all the folder selection/confirmation dialogs after which it showed the same authentication error. I clicked the restart button and everything started working normally

It could be coincidental but I also added a new device yesterday during the day and I noticed the problem on two other computers when I woke up this morning.

I have not checked a windows client that I'm running and the device I added isn't back on yet either.