Comment 0 for bug 1742094

Revision history for this message
Amitkumar Karwar (amitkarwar) wrote : [16.04][classic] wowlan feature doesn't work

Steps to reproduce:

 1. Ensure WoWLAN is enabled in BIOS.
 2. Initiate connection to an AP (using nmcli)
 3. Configure the device for WoWLAN, run the command:
    $ sudo iw phy phy0 wowlan enable magic-packet
 4. Enter S5/S4/S3 (using poweroff, etc.)
 5. From another computer on the same network run the following command:
    $ wakeonlan {mac} (in my case `wakeonlan 00:23:a7:ec:b4:04`)

Expected result: the device starts/resume