Comment 6 for bug 1802582

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Adalbert Hanßen (melolontha) wrote :

"specific to the version in 16.04": That may be possible.

Fortunately I happened to find the workaround how to change a MIME setting despite xfce4-mime-settings refuses to alter some of the settings by first associating the file browser to a file type and then my specific version of LO. So the next one who gets trapped hopefully finds this discussion and even more hopefully, he/she finds my workaround (which is a bit hard to find since my whole report is in the attachment because I could not include screenshots into my initial posting).

It looks like the settings are stored per user in his home-directory's .config path, specifically in ~/.config/mimeapps.list. Would it be possible to change things here using a text editor?

Unfortunately xfce4-mime-settings does not allow to search or even search/replace so changing the associations is a tedious job. At least one can sort the list by the second column such that all LO entries are close to each other.