Comment 169 for bug 1303736

Revision history for this message
Martin Spacek (mspacek) wrote :

As Elfy said, this may be becoming a catch-all bug for similar problems. But, since I don't know where else to report this, and since it seems similar enough:

I was having the original black screen problem with the default light-locker installed. After the updates rolled out and after toggling the settings as instructed, the original problem as described went away. Still I was so disappointed with light-locker's TTY switching and all the problems that come with it...

bug # 1336647 - light-locker switches virtual terminals on lock and unlock

...that I uninstalled it and installed gnome-screensaver instead.

All is good, but once in a while, when I resume from suspend by opening the lid of my Thinkpad W510 (running Xubuntu 14.04 amd64), it turns on, but the screen does not. If I close the lid and let it suspend, and then open it again to resume, the screen has (so far) always turned on on the second try. Seems there's some low probability (maybe 10%) of the screen not turning on during resume. Again, smells like a race condition. Perhaps it has something to do with bug # 1347272.