Comment 39 for bug 1205643

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Andrea (stilnovo1) wrote :

@ Erick: many thanks for the suggestion, I'll create an account in Ubuntu Forums as you suggested.

But I post also there the results of the last Ubuntu-based saturday, when I did many installations and all of them affected by the impossiblity to get a working x-server:

- 1st installation: Ubuntu 12.04.1 - i386 desktop version - the installation is very slow, it freezes towards the end. The Livecd session works very fine, correct maximum screen resolution, good colours. Tried to install also from the Livecd session. Grub damaged.

- 2nd installation: Ubuntu 12.04.0 - i 386 desktop version - the installation is quicker, but it freezes from livecd session (graphics ok). In the direct installation it seizes up, but you can continue if you continue to hold a key... at the end, grubs work (I can start XP session and Ubuntu recovery mode), but during the loading, after a fast appearing of the Ubuntu logo, it freezes in a dark screen... no way to enter in a terminal. In the recovery mode, I tried failsafeX session, but after a while a "window" appears: the message says that it is impossible to identify monitor and graphic card, then it returns to the recovery menu without starting a low-resolution session

- 3rd installation: Kubuntu 12.04.1 - i386 desktop version - i don't try livecd session, I directly start with the installation. Also here I have to hold an any key to keep the installation ongoing, otherwise it freezes but it is sufficient to return to hold a key and it restarts. At the end, I have a working grub and it loads the system without freezing. At the beginning, all seems ok, the screen resolution is the correct WXGA and not the XGA that I had in the previous installation when I forced Kubuntu to use vesa drivers.
After a little bit, the system begins to continuously crash, a message (I have been stupid not to literally write the contents, but I was quite tired...) appears and more or less says that 'probably a bad graphic driver is installed'. I try to reconfigure Xserver, but after about ten minutes the system becomes very slow, it's difficult to use it although the nice grapchic result... so I'm ready for...

- 4th installation: Ubuntu 12.04.0 - alternate version. Here the installation is very fast and smooth. When I restart, the Ubuntu logo appears but the loading freezes in the "usual dark" screen. Then I did the same passage of 2nd installation with failsafeX and the same message that it's impossible to determine screen and graphic card... so I have created a xorg.conf file forcing to load openchrome as this:
The system freezes during the loading, so in the 'usual' recovery mode I've modified the xorg.conf file replacing 'openchrome' with 'vesa' (sic!).

Ok, now the system starts, with the same problems of my first post here (XGA resolution instead of WXGA, faded colours etc.)... am I correct if I say that perhaps it's a bug of openchrome driver more than X-stack?

Excuse me if I've been a little bit talkative, but I desired only to be clear... obviously now (with vesa) the system works also with 12.04.4 (after the updates).

@Erick: yes, the ram is 1gb, the cpu is that but later I'll create an account for Ubuntu Forums as you said.

Thanks in advance.