Comment 38 for bug 1205643

Revision history for this message
Erick Brunzell (lbsolost) wrote :

@ Andrea,

The 12.04 and 12.04.1 images use the same basic kernel and X-stack (other than bug fixes and security updates) so I suspect you're dealing with an additional issue. You should first of all rule out a bad disc/USB (depending on which you're using to install) by entering the advanced boot options as described here:

Then select Check disc for defects. That will take several minutes to complete, but unless it shows no errors found then you have bad installation media.

Additionally a quick Google search shows that the hardware involved may be:

Intel Celeron M 1.70GHz
VIA/S3G UniChrome Pro IGP

Have you upgraded the RAM? If you're still running with 512MB of RAM you can probably still install Ubuntu Precise but you'll once again have to enter the advanced boot options and choose Install Ubuntu from that menu. Or you may need to use the Alternate CD.

Also DO NOT choose to download updates or install 3rd party software when asked, and DO NOT choose to automatically login. Some of the reasoning behind that is based solely on personal experience and goes far beyond the scope of this bug report.

I also think that you'll likely find that Unity-2D is even quite slow on that hardware so you'll likely want to do something like this:

In fact if you have or are willing to create an Ubuntu Forums account you could post in that thread and I'll be glad to try and help you. I'm kansasnoob there :^)