Comment 0 for bug 305054

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Sreejith Kesavan (semk) wrote : Problems in Video Rendering

I've installed the new Ubuntu 8.10 and found that the video rendering (movies) in Totem and Mplayer (Or any other player) is poor. I'm getting some off-positioned frames when playing the movies. I've attached a screenshot of the issue (Things look not that bad as in the screenshot. I took it while plaing the movie). In the earlier version of Ubuntu (8.04) I didn't have this issue. But 8.04 had problems showing blue lines in video window when a window (or menu) shows upon them, when compiz was enabled. But this issue is now resolved in the latest release. Hope these informations are helpful. I'm using Intel GMA945 buitin graphics and a Core2Duo processor with 1GB RAM. I'm using the video driver as xv (which is the default)

I assume there should be some workaround for this issue...