Comment 5 for bug 279835

Revision history for this message
Vladimir Hidalgo (vlad88sv) wrote : Re: Broken Intel Video i810, upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 Beta.

Using Intel driver I found that if xorg.conf has the following lines:

Section "Device"
       Option "XaaNoPixmapCache"


Section "Module"
       Load "v4l"


GDM won't load, commenting both of them makes GDM happy.

If I kill GDM & X, and then start the desktop with "startx", everything is fine, with "v4l" and "XaaNoPixmapCache" enabled or not, so it must be something in GDM that is triggering a failure in X.

In brief, the problem is: "intel" driver + "XaaNoPixmapCache" + "v4l"