Comment 31 for bug 238629

Revision history for this message
Dmitriy Geels (dmig) wrote : Re: [i965] [EXA] Java plugin causes massive Xorg CPU usage, fixed by changing Xorg acceleration mode [i965GM]

Repeated both testcases on jaunty x32 with UXA acceleration enabled -- no problems.

dmig@dmig-desktop:~$ apt-cache policy sun-java6-jre
  Установлен: 6-13-1
  Кандидат: 6-13-1
  Таблица версий:
 *** 6-13-1 0
        500 jaunty/multiverse Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

UXA acceleration was unusable on my laptop, I'll try to enable it again, since intel driver was updated not so long ago.