Comment 0 for bug 373434

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Marek Szuba (marek-szuba) wrote : jaunty: X session (radeon) slows down, crashes

I run Ubuntu on a first-generation Macbook Pro (dual-core x86; Mobility Radeon X1600), using the 'radeon' video driver, wdm as my X display manager and Blackbox as my window manager. Under Intrepid everything worked fine, however upgrading to Jaunty resulted in the following symptoms:
 - after logging in the X-server process begins to persistently use about 60% of CPU power, even with the system being completely idle;
 - opening X applications takes more and more time: for example, launching the xterm originally takes only a split second as before but trying to do that again a few minutes later implies having to wait for OVER ONE MINUTE from selecting the option from the menu till the moment the window actually appears. The slowdown affects only X applications, whatever I may run e.g. inside an already-active xterm runs just fine;
 - X seems to crash once in a while - all of a sudden I find myself looking at the wdm prompt again. The word 'seem' has been used because oddly enough I cannot find any trace of such crashes in X logs.

The problem is quite clearly related to either the X server or its drivers, as forcibly downgrading xserver-xorg to the Intrepid version (uninstall, switch apt sources back to intrepid, reinstall) makes these problems go away despite the fact libX11 from Jaunty is not entirely compatible with the X server from Intrepid.

Please let me know if you need any more information.
