Comment 11 for bug 272969

Revision history for this message
J G Miller (jgmiller) wrote :

I have an ATI RV280 based ASUS 9250 AGP graphics card and I am using the radeon driver.

With the Xorg version used under Ubuntu 8.04 I had no problems and a good X11 image display.

After upgrading to 8.10, I noticed that the X display occasionally shimmers, and that there are severe worry lines
on simple cross hatch backgrounds generated with eg

xsetroot -bg color1 -fg color2 -mod 2 2

which were never seen with the Xorg in 8.04, and that the square cursor corruption problem occurs independent
of window manager, but is more evident with XFCE than FVWM, and also occurs with Metacity and openbox, but
not apparently with CTWM and Compiz.

Following the upgrade to 9.04 the problem persists and has not been fixed as I was hoping.

Is this bug ever going to be fixed?