Comment 8 for bug 49827

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deladrien (daletheladrien) wrote :

Just to be clear, I'm running Kubuntu. I don't think it makes a difference.

I believe I've encountered the same issue here, on an Everex VA4103M laptop. I'm unable to access, nor have any paper documentation, and have found very little reference to the VA4103M, let alone Everex, so I'm unsure of the video card. The 4101 I think, uses an S3 of some sort... I'm pretty certain the native resolution is 1280x800

I've got it slightly better. After reinstalling Kubuntu Dapper Drake (or Edgy Eft, I can't keep these straight) several times, I finally got it running properly, at a reasonable resolution (actually, I don't even remember what it was, prolly around 1024). This lasted about 4 reboots, at which it spontaneously booted to 800x600. No warnings, errors, or anything. I checked the Monitors dialog, and the slider showed options for 640 or 800. Interestingly, choosing 640 and applying the change made no difference...

I reinstalled to 7.04 Feisty Fawn, but the problem persisted. I've spent several hours now, attempted Bunzinni's fixes, tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", and finally got it to the point where the kdm login screen displays a crisp, clear beautiful 1280x800...

That is, until I enter my password, hit enter, and the screen goes all screwy again. It's displaying, I can kinda see the background and mouse pointer, but it's multiple overlapped and def. FUBARed.

xorg.conf reveals that there are no vertical or horizontal refresh rates to comment out. As mentioned, i've tried IgnoreEDID and "dri", not that they would make a difference (I'm not even nVidia).
Xorg.0.log isn't formatted very well, but does send warnings and errors about EDID and DRI. It also seems to be checking a variety of modes it shouldn't be, whatever that means. It does complain about hsync a couple of places.
IOW, no help at all to someone like me.

My biggest question, what drives me to the edge of sanity here, is *why oh god why* would X or KDE (or whatever the hell controls it) display the login screen clearly, but corrupt the main desktop?