Comment 46 for bug 207409

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komputes (komputes) wrote :

Andreas, I had to reflect on the reasoning behind #2 and it made me think of a probable resolution to this entire bug.

I think I see what benefit you would gain from autodetection using the legacy script: It will write out a defined xorg.conf file automatically instead of writing an xorg.conf file with "Configured Device" which contains no specifications/settings.

The way I would implement this for the user is to go into Recovery mode where (in Hardy) you will end up on (what I like to call) the "Blue Screen of Fix" also known as the "friendly-recovery" package.

The description of this package is as follows:
Make recovery more user-friendly
Make the recovery mode more user-friendly by providing a menu with plugable options.

Looking at the words "plugable options" made me think, why can't we just take the code from 7.10's autodetection/manual configuration and make it a module or a "pluggable option" in recovery mode available to 8.04 and future releases. This does not have to be in Ubuntu by default since xorg autoconfigure is getting better and better as time goes by (autodetection - it's the wave of the future), and it is currently "sufficiently reliable" as Bryce has said.

Therefore I think the "plugable option" is our best option. A new package should be created from the old detection/manual configuration code and be plugged into friendly recovery. This way the minority of users having auto-detection issues, could install a package from the repositories that will allow legacy (yet still compatible) well defined xorg.conf files.

I recommend it be implemented into the recovery menu as a secondary menu, after having selected "Autodetect Video/Display", like so:

>Autodetect Video/Display
>>Autodetect and write static xorg.conf
>>Manual Configuration
>Drop to root shell
>File system Check (fsck)
>Fix packages

In short: If someone is able to code this, we can fix this bug by creating a new optional package that resolves the issue.