Comment 20 for bug 665546

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Davis Bynum (lerris) wrote :

I'm having this same issue since upgrading to 10.10. I'm using a Radeon 4850 with the proprietary fglrx drivers so I do believe it's definitely not a video card issue. I've attached a quick video illustrating the problem with dropdown menus. Submenus act the same way. I also find with submenus, however, that if I click three times (which would be the equivalent of show, hide, show) on one that isn't showing properly, it fixes it for that menu as well.

I also notice this problem with Eclipse, but it only affected submenus in that. It seemed to affect ~100% of the submenus in Eclipse, however, but in other apps it's maybe 30%.

I tried using metacity with compositing, but had the same issue. I also tried, before that, disabling compiz plugins one at a time to see if I could pinpoint any specific one causing it. Again, no luck.

Anyway, hopefully the video illustrates the problem a bit more clearly.