Comment 35 for bug 696841

Revision history for this message
John Crockett (john-phx) wrote :

I find it astonishing that this bug is marked "invalid."

Here I sit, using Ubuntu 14.04 and VLC 2.1.4 and I have the exact problem described above. For me, sound does not stop when resuming from pause. It only stops when I "click forward," mostly on mp4s but not always. I can get the sound back by disabling audio and re-enabling it.

I have tried all the "fixes" described above and still have the same problem. I am happy to provide any tech info you-all may need to diagnose, but you will need to tell me what you need and how I can find it.

Also, to the MANY others who have this issue (there are hundreds of thousands of returns on the serach "VLC Sound stops when skipping through a video"), you are neither alone nor crazy.

To Remi Denis-Courmont: Thank you for such an amazing product it is by far my favorite and the best media player available. I will continue to use it despite the minor annoyance this bug represents. I am a fellow programmer, so I understand the thousands (likely tens of thousands) of person-hours that has gone into this and am grateful to you and the other voluteers. My sole purpose here is to make you aware of a problem so you can make a great application even better.