Comment 0 for bug 245849

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wpshooter (joverstreet1) wrote : getting reflection of progress bar during installation of Intrepid

I am seeing a reflection/false progress bar during the installation of the Intrepid Alpha 1.

This is manifested as approx. 1 inch long 2nd but smaller progress bar that is being shown under the normal progress bar.

There is nothing in it, it is just a yellow/amber reflection of the real progress bar.

Also, I notice that the progress of the normally show bar is not the normal left to right progress but the progress tends to jump from place to place on the bar and not a progressive movement from the left side to right side.

This is being seen on a wide screen Samsung 19" LCD display which is normally configured at 1440 x 900 resolution. Perhaps this is being caused by the fact that this is a wide screen LCD.

Or perhaps there are still just some bugs in the video sections of Intrepid because I notice that during the installation and when I get to the desktop the video is in very low resolution and not 1440 x 900 as in Gutsy or Hardy.

Let me know if you need any more specific information.
