Comment 20 for bug 135319

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

brian-murray: second image confirms:

  (0) theme: edubuntu-artwork
  (1) when: install boot (from IRC message)
  (2) mode: 640x480
  (3) offset of throbber: x=212,y=352
  (4) width of throbber: 320

Problem lies in:


struct usplash_theme usplash_theme = {
        /* Progress bar position and size in pixels */
        .progressbar_x = 212, /* 640/2-216/2 */
        .progressbar_y = 351,
        .text_y = 307,

(a) the maths in the comment is wrong; (b) 351 is a bigger number than 307-18.