Comment 0 for bug 1477419

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Bartosz Kosiorek (gang65) wrote : [Unity][Phone] Dim screen incrementaly after specific time instead of turn off screen immadiately

For Desktop, after some time (10 minutes), the screen is locked.
It is made with incremental dim. It is very useful, when user is reading article and there is no input from keyboard and mouse
With that feature he notice that soon screen will be locked.

It will be great to implement incremental dim also for Phone

After specific time of user inactivity, the screen is turned off immediately and the phone is locked immediately.

After specific time of user inactivity, the screen is dim incrementally. User have 3 seconds to touch screen and prevent from screen locking. After 3 seconds pass, the screen is locked and screen is turned off.

During reading on phone, most ofter user is not touching screen. It cause screen locking immediately, which interrupt reading. Proposed solution allows user to prevent from screen locking and continue reading.