Comment 0 for bug 842108

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Paul (pawe) wrote :

when using the ´run command´ dialog (ALT + F2) search results are shown real time below. My expectation is that the exact match is also shown in the search results. In some cases the exact match will not be shown.
for example:
"evolutio" will yield the result "evolution" and "evolution-settings"
"evolution" will only yield the result "evolution-settings"
==> although evolution matches exactly the executable file the program is not listed in the results.

"wine" will show several matches starting with wine, but not wine it self. "win" would do.

But in other cases the exact match is displayed:
"gedit" will show the expected result.

My assumption is that the exact match is not shown if more than one match is available. If only one program matches the input, the program is displayed.

lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu oneiric (development branch)
Release: 11.10