Comment 78 for bug 753971

Revision history for this message
Brendan Donegan (brendan-donegan) wrote :

Rogan (and anyone else having this problem):

Just to follow up on what Daniel said, the best thing to do will be to:

1.) Run 'lspci | grep VGA' in the terminal and note it's result
2.) Run 'ubuntu-bug unity' - make sure to tell the bug reporting wizard the problem is graphical
3.) In the summary of the bug put '[<output of lspci | grep VGA>] Display garbled when connecting external display'
4.) In the description make a note of what happens *exactly*. Try and include a screenshot (PrntScn key) if you can - and state that you have all updates (the triager should see this anyway) and that you looked at this bug but it didn't fix your problem.

I can assure you your bug is not going to be rejected or marked as a duplicate if you follow these steps UNLESS someone else with the *exact* same video card has reported a bug with the same description.

Ubuntu Bug Squad volunteer triager