Comment 14 for bug 752157

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

"Is it worth booting a natty liveCD and seeing if I can reproduce it there?"

Probably not; we're no where near identifying what package was bugged, let alone have a patch identified, so at this point a backport to natty is looking unlikely. However, I'll open a natty task in case anyone would like to do the legwork of chasing down the patch and proposing it for an SRU. (First isolate which package contains the fix by selectively upgrading packages to the oneiric versions, then do a git bisect on that package to pinpoint the patch that fixed it; then see the StableReleaseUpdates wiki page for directions on how to file SRUs.)

Since we've not heard from Martin, I'm going to go ahead and assume your findings are true that this is fixed in oneiric and close out this bug report; if anyone does see the bug in oneiric please open a new report (ubuntu-bug xorg) so we have updated logs and such. (Reference this bug report if you're certain it's the same issue.)