Comment 41 for bug 971876

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tobiasBora (tobias-bora) wrote :

This solution given here : works perfecly :

1. Download rts_bpp.tar.bz2 from launchpad (I tried with this one :
2. Extract archive, edit rtsx.c:
2.1. Remove __devinit from rtsx_probe in line 893
2.2. Remove __devexit from rtsx_remove in line 1048
2.3. Extract rtsx_remove from __devexit_p() in line 1074
3. Compile with "make"
4. As root, make install
5. Blacklist rtsx_pci in /etc/modprobe.d/rtsx_blacklist.conf (add "blacklist rtsx_pci")
6. 'modprobe rts_bpp'
7. run mkinitcpio -p linux (I'm not entirely sure this is necessary, but I run it, so I'm including it here).
8. Restart the machine
9. You're good to go.