Comment 11 for bug 549285

Revision history for this message
Scott Lavender (slavender) wrote :

Just to explain for ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme (which is similar to xubuntu-plymouth-theme and lubuntu-plymouth-theme I believe):

ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme-0.37 relied on the "plymouth-set-default-theme" command, which has since been intentionally removed from the plymouth package in plymouth-0.8.1-1ubuntu1, to set ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme as the default Plymouth theme.

When ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme-0.37 is installed, the proper files should be copied to your computer but when the installation tries to invoke "plymouth-set-default-theme" to set the default Plymouth theme it fails and gives an error (127) which stops the installation.

Similarly, if you try to remove ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme-0.37 it also gives the same error because, once again, it tries to invoke "plymouth-set-default-theme" to revert away from the ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme to another theme. Again, this stops the process.

So, if your plymouth package is updated beyond what is installed from the Beta 1 ISO (I forget which version of plymouth it was but I believe it was or something similar) ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme-0.37 will no longer work.

Last night I updated ubuntustudio-plymouth-theme to use 'update-alternatives' instead and tested it with a ppa build. Tonight I should be committing 0.38 to bzr for merging before Beta 2 freeze.