Comment 2 for bug 577378

Revision history for this message
Mitch Towner (kermiac) wrote :

I'm sorry to hear Ubuntu One is not working properly for you. Can you please try the procedure outlined at

If that does not resolve the issue, can you please try the following from a terminal window:
1. mv ~/.cache/desktop-couch/ ~/.cache/desktop-couch/
2. killall ubuntuone-login ubuntuone-syncdaemon

Now launch ubuntuone-preferences again. If that does not resolve your issue, please attach your ubuntuone logs to this bug. Please zip your $HOME/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ folder and attach the zip here.

You can attach logs to this bug report by clicking the 'Add Attachment or patch' button at the bottom of the page. Thank you for filing this bug report and helping to make Ubuntu better.