Comment 5 for bug 1772246

Revision history for this message
Nils Fenner (nilsfenner) wrote :

Hmm… upgrade now went quite smooth. I could not figure out however, what packages caused the issue here and I haven't found a reference on what to do actually.

I assume, the main issue is the LXQt 0.10.x installation (the only one available for 16.04). During the upgrade, the previous LXQt installation will be completely removed anyway. If you are affected by this issue, the best advice I can give is: "Logout from the active 16.04/17.10 session and switch to a Terminal (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F2). Then remove all lxqt-* packages and upgrade via `sudo do-release-upgrade` from terminal. Alternatively you can install the good old LXDE session before doing the upgrade!
