Comment 21 for bug 448109

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Keith David Tyler (ubuntu-keithtyler) wrote :

> Something, like read comments which explains why there is the technical difficulty about that change?

You have not explained *why* there is a technical difficulty. The URL you give does not explain it either. It just says "this is the way it is" but it does not say *why*.

I would appreciate something that explained *why*. Because being unable to alter the panel applets is *maddening*. Converting the gnome session to look like a UNR session is a bad solution. It involves a lot of work that should not be necessary just to add or remove one applet to the panel.

It should be possible to unlock these settings. Maybe in gconf-editor? Maybe there is a file whose permissions can be changed? I don't care if the UNR settings break the GNOME settings.

It is a bad day when open source software developers force decisions on users. Open source means giving you freedom over your computer and its software. But this is a decision to take freedom away.