Comment 1 for bug 88930

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Joachim Ziegler (ziegler) wrote :

I think I have to withdraw this bug report, but please read on.

In fact, the installation process *has destroyed* my /home partition, but I'm not sure any more whether the bug has been in the installer or on my hard drive.

The installer informed me about a tiny extra partition of some 8 MBs. I have no idea where this partition suddenly came from.

After trying the install process (which aborted with an error message I don't remember any more), I tried to boot my old 6.10 Xubuntu. I got an error message saying "bad superblock on /dev/hda7". fsck refused to work.

My /home was lost. I started gparted to examine the partitions and discovered the tiny extra partition /dev/hda6. As I said, I have no idea where this suddenly came from. As far as I remember, my /home was my old /dev/hda6 and I never had a /dev/hda7. gparted said that it could not detect the file system type of /dev/hda7, so my /home was lost.

I used gparted to merge /dev/hda6 and /dev/hda7 into a new parition...

and now the installation process proceded without any problems.

None of the bugs reported above appeared again.

I am writing this now on my freshly installed Feisty Fawn.