Comment 8 for bug 781385

Revision history for this message
Attila Hammer (hammera) wrote :

Generaly, lot of Ubiquity GTK controls are the fix is full good, for example check boxes, and installer screen awailable buttons.
Now, Orca screen reader full right spokening the hungarian localized translated labels this controls.

Unfortunately for example the third screen if Ubiquity detecting my machine have more operating systems, with radiobuttons Orca spokening following style the radiobuttons labels:
Wonderful spokening the radiobutton labels with hungarian localized labels, but spokening an english text after with the translated label.
The text is following, for example if have more operating system my machine:
If first focused the radiobutton group the first selected radiobutton label:
"Ubuntu telepítése melléjük
Ubuntu telepítése melléjük
Install Ubuntu alongside."
When I moving the next radiobutton group with DOWN arrow key:
"Merevlemez törlése, és az Ubuntu telepítése
Replace Windows with Ubuntu"
When I moving the last radiobutton element:
"Valami más
Kézi beállítás
For example, The third radiobutton element texts all translated with hungarian language.
Future, need decreasing the duplicated output spokening for example with radiobuttons related, for example if the real label and accessible field declared labels are equals. Perhaps this type work need scheduling with next LTS release development.

You possible easyest verify this results in Ubiquity 2.7.38 with following steps if you talking a non english locale:
1. Boot a daily live CD with containing Ubiquity 2.7.38 version.
2. When Ubiquity main screen is presenting, you press CTRL+S keystroke.
3. Customize Orca Screen Reader preferences with your speech sinthesizer needs.
4. Try installing Ubuntu. Enough to you going the third step with installation process.

I will be doing a clean installation with my testing partition and verify other installer screens, if this is easyest your work. I have possibility to generate manualy with full uptodated Oneiric daily live CD.
Your openion possible fix this type problem before final Oneiric release, or have full freeze now?
Schedule this type fix with next LTS development release, or possible applying this fix for example with Oneiric with updated daily live CD's after final release is publicated?

I would like thank you everybody this wonderful result for example with buttons, and check boxes related with Ubiquity GTK installer screen.
