Comment 14 for bug 39348

Revision history for this message
Henk Koster (h-a-j-koster) wrote :

It seems there's more to it. I've just tried to install Flight-7 with the install-CD, but it too choked on my preferred partitioning. It gave "warning messages" about the existing NTFS (Windows XP) partition not having parameters to Windows' liking (I had made that partition with PartitionMagic). To top it off, the computer froze solid while configuring xserver-xorg...

I've now used installed Dapper succesfully from Beta2 plus updates, letting the installer wipe the whole disk and install a single ext3 root partition and a 512MB swap partition. Beats me how I can get either Ubuntu installer to give me what I want: small ext /boot, a jfs root partition, and a 1GB swap partition.