Comment 12 for bug 1767799

Revision history for this message
a (rqcv1762) wrote :

This bug still persists: Having installed Xubuntu 18.04.1 on 2 different computers successfully, it occurred when installing a 3rd one as described above:
installation type "something else" with partitions:
 sdaW efi fat32
 sdaX / ext4 (to be formatted)
 sdaY swap
 sdaZ /home ext4 (existing and encrypted from previous installation)
Having typed the indications in the window "who are you" yields an error message "ubi-usersetup failed with exit code 141", a syslog entry "ecryptfs-setup-swap failed" and infinite waiting.
The following workaround helped to get the system running:
 installation type "something else" with partitions:
  sdaW efi fat32
  sdaX / ext4 (to be formatted)
  sdaY /home ext4 (this will later become swap)
 run the rest of the installation with same username and password as in the old installation - this works
 after restart, open terminal (ctrl alt F1):
  log in there
  install sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils
  sudo reboot
 then change UUID of /home in /etc/fstab to the one of sdaZ, being the original encrypted /home partition
 install encrypted swap with
  sudo mkswap /dev/sdaY
  new entry in /etc/crypttab: "cryptswap1 UUID=<from the previous mkswap command> /dev/urandom swap,offset=1024,cipher=aes-xts-plain64"
  comment out a possibly automatically created swap file in /etc/fstab
  instead new entry in /etc/fstab: "/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0"
 If everything has worked, after restart, logging in will open the encrypted /home and sudo blkid will display sdaY and /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 as swap type partitions.
Obviously besides fixing the bug it would be helpful if the installer would offer an option how to reasonably deal with an old encrypted /home partition which has been a probably frequently used option installing previous versions of Xubuntu.